"Haul Out The HollyPut Up The Tree Before My Spirit Falls Again
Fill Up The Stocking
I May Be Rushing Things, But Deck The Halls Again Now...
We Need A Little Christmas Now"
These are the words in a song from the musical 'Mame'. It's a song that isn't sung at Christmas time but "two weeks before the 4th of July". I have never seen the musical 'Mame' and yet I know the words to this song by heart thanks to the folks at the Inn at Sawmill Farm.
It is a jaunty song about hope and redemption. When you are twenty-five, you know everything and no one can tell you anything. You are cynical about other people's motives and life in general. There is a line in 'Mame' - "Life is a banquet and most poor bastards are starving to death." That was a perfect description of me. This song made me forget all that.
"For I've Grown A Little Leaner, Growner A Little Colder
Grown A Little Sadder, Grown A Little Older
And I Need A Little Angel Sitting On My Shoulder
Need A Little Christmas Now"
I like other Christmas songs - White Christmas, Underneath The Tree, All I Want For Christmas Is You and the Hallelujah Chorus from the Messiah. Sally and I heard an unseen boys choir singing Silent Night in The Nave of Saint Peter's Basilica after walking through the Porta Santa. This was at the turn of the millennium and that was truly awe inspiring. No song affects me like "We Need A Little Christmas". I don't know if it was because when I first heard it i was happy skiing in Vermont and working and playing with the great people at the Inn at Sawmill Farm. I'm not sure. I do know it makes me believe in Christmas. It gives me hope.
"For We Need A Little Music, Need A Little LaughterNeed A Little Singing Ringing Through The RaftersAnd We Need A Little Snappy, Happy Ever AfterWe Need A Little Christmas Now"
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